post is just to show full appreciation to the people who really helped me
get my blog off the ground; I’ll try to keep it short. I always love to show
appreciation to the people who helped me and always show me love.
I first brought the idea of starting a blog to people, they were very worried
for me because of what other people might say, and a lot of my friends I don’t
think took me seriously. So I continued to grow the idea by myself by writing
rough sketches of what I wanted on my blog and possible posts. So when I first
started looking for inspiration, I went on to Bloglovin and started taking a
look at other bloggers pages and seeing what I did and didn’t want on my blog.
researching possible templates that would match my blog title I came upon a
little shop called ‘Get Polished’. I didn’t even think twice at that
point because their lovely little dots template matched the sort of theme I
wanted to go for. I’m quite a girly girl so it suited me quite well. I emailed the
founder Chelsea who was more than happy to answer all of my questions. (I talk
a lot so I had lots of questions).
my exams were over I finally made the purchase of the template and was ready to
make it happen officially. I knew it would be a lot of work, but I didn’t
expect it to be this hard. If you’ve never been involved in coding and
technical website sort of stuff then you would find this hard just like I did.
So I contact Chelsea and asked her for her help. After about 25 odd email
exchanges we’ve finally done it and I have the blog that I have always wanted
and I’m so proud to have a Get Polished blog theme. I am so grateful for her
help, even when my questions were silly and the answer was obvious she still
answered them (I guess because its her job). She’s gone out of her way to help
me countless times. I know for sure that some services wont take their time and
effort to help their customers but she did and I appreciate it. If anyone is
looking to start a bog or give their blog a new look, then she’s definitely the
lady to see. I’ll put a link to her website at the end of this post.
Next, is to a few friends of mine who have been extremely supportive over the period of making this blog happen. Mia thank you for taking the amazing headshots for my blog, although the after process wasn’t that fun, I had a lot of fun during it. Your amazingly talented so keep at it. If anyone is looking for beautiful headshots, she’s your girl.
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I would have to be my best friend Isiuwa for encouraging me so much to keep at
it, and for being my editor for my first post. Its not only you guys but a lot
of other friends too, who helped me think of a good blog name and possible
content. For this I am so grateful, I couldn’t have done it without you guys.
(I can’t list all of you because there are quite a few of you). Lastly and most
importantly I want to thank God for giving me this amazing idea and allowing me
to manifest it.
that’s pretty much it, I told you it would be short. Thanks for reading it!
me know what you thought in the comments?
polished : Click for the link x
I would absolutely LOVE to start a blog but I would not have a clue what I was doing, and it would noooo way be up to this sort of standard. Well done Moni, xoxo
ReplyDeleteBEAUTIFUL blog!! I'm so excited to follow you on this new journey! :)
Thank you Jenna! It means so much being that your blog was one that inspired me a lot. I would never have come across 'Get Polished' if it wasn't for you bella lulu blog theme! Thank you for following my journey, i appreciate you.
ReplyDeleteMuch Love
Hi there, I hope you don't mind but I've nominated you for the Liebster award. I hope you don't mind! Check it out here
ReplyDeleteWell done for having such a fab blog, I love reading it!